The answer can be determined by thinking it through. Start with where the data is and where it goes. You do not say if data prepopulates a form, so I will assume it does not.

JSP1 has some data which is submitted and shows up in F1 and maybe A1. Right? There it is. Your data. All of it and that is it. If the foward to JSP2 does not somehow save that data, then .... the data will be gone. So, if you need it, you need to save it somehow. There are lots of ways to do that. So, you get to JSP2 and either have data saved or not. If not, not. Is so, so. This is exactly all there is to it in an important way. When JSP2 is submitted the data is sent to F2 and maybe A2. If JSP2 did not save any previous data in the response object, and nothing else did too. All the data left, as we reach good old A2 which forwards to JSP3. Now if no data from A2 is saved, old JSP3 doesn't get any. That's all there is to it.


Koon Yue Lam wrote:

Hi, suppose I have 2 actions which each has its own action form
A1 will have F1
A2 will have F2

and we have JSP1, JSP2 and JSP3

it is like a 2 steps wizard, user first access JSP1 and when submit, A1 is executed and populate
F1, it then forward to JSP2

user will select some data in JSP2 and when submit, A2 is executed and
populate F2

The question is the data need to populate F2 is determined by what
user select on F1, but only one action form can be associated to
action. How do A2 know what user has selected??

any help will be appreciated

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