I have a neglected Ultra 1, now running Solaris 9, which I've rescued
to use as a web application server.  It's running JBoss just fine and
when my web application is loaded and run the response time, while
slow (on the order of a second or two per page) is still reasonable.

The problem comes about after redeploy, or reboot, or JBoss restart,
or whatever, which causes JBoss to forget all the compiled servlets
for the application.  When the first user encounters such a page the
page is, of course, compiled and made ready for use -- but this can
take tens of seconds to accomplish, leaving a less than sparkling
impression for the user.

Is there a way to force all the JSPs and ActionForms, etc., to be
compiled and ready to go at the time of deployment?  Even if it takes
several minutes to achieve this, it would be worth it rather than
delaying until the first user/victim accesses the page.

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