On Mon, 2004-09-27 at 20:57, Kyle Korndoerfer wrote:
> OK, so my idea (recently upgraded Tomcat to 5.0.28 thinking the problem
> could be thier and forgot to update my $CATALINA_HOME to take that into
> account), but that didn't help...
> Still stumped. Anyone? Bueler?
> Thanks for any help/suggestions. I've been starring at it so long, I
> know it must be something simple.
> -={ Kyle }=-

David brings up an interesting point.  I'd expand a bit and ask if you
can connect to the Suse box's postgres via psql (is that available for
windows?) on your windows box?  psql is a command line client - and
would verify that you have permissions on the suse box to connect from a
remote client (and that the network setup is correct).

Something else that crossed my mind.  If you have the JAR in the /lib
directory of your webapp, in eclipse, right click on the webapp project,
and select 'properties'.  Verify that the .jar file is in the Libraries
tab underneath Java Build Path.  Sometimes just putting in /lib isn't

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