 I am using DynaValidatorForm. The entry in my struts-config.xml looks like :
 <form-bean name="beanForm" type="org.apache.struts.validator.DynaValidatorForm">
    <form-property name="lines" type="com.upromise.odt.ui.actions.campaign.Line[]" 
 Where, the Line class looks :
 public class Line {
  private String bId;
      private String dId;
bId and dId are actually drop downs on the UI. Basically, when the jsp loads, the drop 
down will be filled with data.
Now the requirement is, if the user do not select any item of both the drop-downs, I 
need to tell the user to select
atleast one item in each of the drop-downs. The issue is, how to give the entry in 
validation.xml ?
I tried giving the following, but it didnt work :
<form name="beanForm">
             property="lines.bId" depends="required">
    <arg0 name="required" key="${var:bp}" resource="false"/>
             property="lines.dd" depends="required">
    <arg0 name="required" key="${var:dp}" resource="false"/>
Can anybody help me how to solve this problem ? I had been struggling for almost a day 
on this.

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