Where is the complication? During validation? If so, perhaps using requiredif/validwhen rules would help. This way, the validator can be told to forego validation on the second field if the value of the first field passes some test (matches some value). A common example of this is where you have a checkbox with a drop down that is associated with it. If the checkbox is checked, the user must select some value in the drop down. If the box is unchecked, the drop down can remain on the default. I have used requiredif to do this. The Struts documenation gives examples of this. I haven't tried validwhen but I would assume it's just as good or better.

If you are using manual validation then it would seem you just need some simple conditional logic that works the same way -- don't validate the second field if the value of the first field matches some value, right?


Priya Jotwani wrote:


I have a JSP Page which has two dropdown fields. If the user selects
something from first dropdown and doesn't selects anything from the
second dropdown, it displays me an error message saying "This field is
required". But now I have a scenario wherein, on selecting a particular
value from first dropdown should not force the user to select something
from the second dropdown (i.e he should be able to proceed even if he
doesn't selects anything from the second dropdown). How can I implement
this is Struts ?



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