
Will this help?

You didn't say anything about JSTL.  Just today I'm working on populating a
checkbox field in an object that's contained in a list.  Oops.  I just
remembered I'm using html-el too.  I haven't tried it with with plain html.
This is getting it done tho'.

c:forEach items="${workQueueForm.workQueueList}" var="workQueue" varStatus=

               tr >
                  td class="Data_AlignMiddle">
                        html-el:checkbox property=
"workQueueList[${status.index}].checked" />


btw - how do you guys get code in your email w/o it messing up the

             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             09/30/2004 01:54          [EMAIL PROTECTED]              
             PM                                                         cc 
             Please respond to         Re: How to handle multiploe unknown 
               "Struts Users           form fields                         
               Mailing List"                                               
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

I understand the JSP side of this eqation as you wrote it, although I
should have said I was looking for a solution that doesn't use Struts
taglibs because I try to avoid them at all costs, but that aside...

I'm still unclear however on what the ActionForm does... Using this
concept, do I HAVE to use the LazyActionForm you wrote?  I'd prefer to only
use things that are built-in to Struts, and unless I'm missing it in the
docs, that's not.

The question I'm getting at is that, like I said, the JSP code you wrote
makes sense, but what will put the submitted parameters into the collection
in the ActionForm when the submission happens?  That's the part I don't
see.  Thanks for your help!

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Thu, September 30, 2004 1:51 pm, Niall Pemberton said:
> You simply need a property in your ActionForm that returns a collection
> "skill" beans and used the "indexed" attribute on the <html> tags. The
> "isssue" that most people have problems with is when using a "Request"
> scope
> ActionForm you need to populate your collection with the right number of
> skill beans - the way to handle this is some kind of "lazy list"
> processing
> for that property. Search the archives on indexed properties and lazy
> processing.
> In your jsp...
> <logic:iterate name="skillsForm" property="skills" id="skills">
>    <html:text name="skills" property="skillid" indexed="true"/>
>    <html:select name="skills" property="skillLevel" indexed="true">
>         <html:option value="1">Low</html:option>
>         <html:option value="2">Medium</html:option>
>         <html:option value="3">High</html:option>
>    </html:select>
> </logic:iterate>
> The trick is to name the "id" attribute to the same as the property in
> form which returns the collection, that way Struts will generate
> like:
>  <input type="text" name="skills[x].skillid value=".."/>
> The lazy ActionForms I wrote have the lazy list behaviour built in....
> Niall
> ----- Original Message -----
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 6:19 PM
> Subject: How to handle multiploe unknown form fields
>> I have an interesting situation, one that has never come up before, and
> I'm unsure how to deal with it...
>> Imagine you have some records from a database representing various
>> skills
> (i.e., HTML, Javascript, J2EE, etc.).  Each has a SkillID associated with
> it.
>> You create a JSP that lists each skill with a drop-down next to it.  The
> drop-down allows the user to select their skill level for each skill.
>> When the user hits Save, you need to update all the skills for that
>> user.
>> That's the scenario.  Here's the question... Each drop-down is given the
> name of the SkllID.  But how do you write an ActionForm for that?
>> Since the database can be expanded to include new skills at any time,
>> it's
> impractical to add getters and setters for each SkillID, and in fact
> breaks
> low coupling goals anyway.
>> Is there a standard way of accepting what kind of amounts to an array of
> inputs from a form and getting it into an ActionForm in some way (maybe
> an ArrayList or something?).
>> TIA!
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