I am using struts validation to validate an input form.  In my jsp I have:
<html:select property="effectiveDay">

<option value="1" selected>1

<option value="2">2

<option value="3">3

<option value="4">4


The form is filled out.  After I hit the "submit" button Struts validation is run and 
the input form is displayed again with the errors on the form.  The problem is that 
the value selected from the drop-down menu (i.e. html:select) before the "submit" 
button was hit is NOT preserved on the form with the validation errors.  So the user 
has to re-enter whatever value he/she entered before validation.  This is 
annoying......is there a way I can make it so that the hmtl:select could be populated 
with the value that was entered before (if any).  I suspect that this value is stored 
somewhere (in request scope?) but I'm not sure how to get it.....

What is strange is that other fields on my input form are preseved (i.e. textboxes, 
and textareas) but not drop-down menus, checkboxes, and file.

any help appreciated,



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