I'm using Struts 1.1 and I encounter a strange problem with actionForm
I'm new on this list and I 'll try to be clear...

I have a JSP Form that point to a DispatchAction that forward the request
to another Action Class according to his parameter.
Among the 4 action classes I have a CreateAction that save my form data
into my database and forward the control to another Action that have to
reset my Form (scope:session for all Action classes). Behind this Action I
have 2 other Action and finally my JSP Form (normally blank).

But in fact all modifications of my ActionForm I do inside my InitAction
aren't taken. When I came back on my jsp form, I always have my inital
values that have been saved into my database.
Even I tried to manually set the form session attribute to null and nothing
It seems that Struts keep my  first form instance elsewhere and replace it
on my modification  in the last Action that forward to my jsp...

I really don't understand this behaviour and if someone has some
informations it's more than wellcome.


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