something like this:
<input type=checkbox name="value(<bean:write
name="yourBean" property="emailAddress"/>)"

--- Caroline Jen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am able to create check boxes using HTML. But, I
> do
> not know how to display check boxes in Struts.
> Here is what I plan to do:
> I have a JavaBean, which gets its properties
> populated
> through database table query. For example, this
> JavaBean has three properties; lastName, title,
> emailAddress.
> And I have a Collection of such a JavaBean because
> there are thousands of people in the database table.
> Now, it gets to the JSP web page. I am going to
> display a table with four columns:
> first column: a check box
> second column: Last Name
> third column: Title
> fourth column: E-Mail Address
> If client puts a check mark in a check box, the
> value
> of the emailAddress is passed for processing.
> How do I display check boxes from a Collection of
> JavaBean?
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