Added to the below list is one more question:
7. How can I call a struts action in <s:form ..> tag. The action redirects to a 
JSP(with JSF tags) under WEB-INF (say /WEB-INF/jsp/xyz.jsp). When I tried to achieve 
this, the <s:form ...> tag generated <form action="/appl/WEB-INF/jsp/xyz.faces" ..>. 
But, I want to perform a struts action.
Craig: Could you pl reply to my queries. I'm finding it very difficult to integrate 
JSF and Struts.

Ratnakar Parakala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I started implementing Struts-Faces integration library. I looked at the examples 
provided with the library. I have few doubts:

1. Does the library support using action paths for validations in tag? I was using it 
for quite long time in a standalone struts application. If I use it the same way, the 
page is not getting displayed and throwing page compilation errors.

2. Does all the struts 1.2.4 features are supported in Struts-Faces? For example, 
token reload etc.

3. How can I call an action from a JSF page and submit the data to the database?

4. Can I use Frames in JSF page? I have a requirement - Left side frame display a tree 
and right frame displays the details page and buttons to add new node. When I add a 
new node in the right frame, the new record should appear in the tree. How can I 
achieve this?

5. I would like to use standard HTML tags in a JSF page like table, tr etc. This is 
because to have same look and feel generated by the JSF page. How can I achieve it 
using JSF?

6. When Struts-Faces next release is scheduled? 


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