Thank you, Jeff, for the detailed explanation - it was exactly what I
was looking for! This puts me on track to reduce code complexity and
increase maintainability quite a bit. The custom RequestProcessor did
the trick.

Thanks again!

Best Regards,

On Mon, 18 Oct 2004 11:01:25 -0400, Jeff Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The first thing to remember is that a Forward is just a Java object.
> You can create them and manipulate them in any way that you want.
> For instance, in our application we didn't want the users to use the
> "Back" button on their browser.  We hid the toolbar, disabled the
> necessary shortcuts, and wrote our own server-side mechanism.  From a
> Struts standpoint, this means that what happens when you hit the "Back"
> button (on the web page) is completely dynamic.  There was no way to use
> static forwards defined in the struts-config file to implement that
> functionality.
> What I did to implement the navigation aspects of this was to create
> custom ActionMapping and RequestProcessor classes.  The findForward
> method in my custom ActionMapping will create a new instance of an
> ActionForward (without a path attribute) when the back button is
> pressed.  (I use a static String attribute in ActionMapping as the name
> of the forward.)  When the RequestProcessor sees one of these forwards,
> it accesses the session history and sets the path attribute on the
> ActionForward prior to processing it.
> In your case, you could do something similar by creating two
> "pre-defined" forwards in a custom ActionMapping: CustomerSummary and
> CustomerOverview.  In your request processor, just detect when a forward
> has one of these two names and access the customer information to
> manipulate the path attribute.
> Just one possibility
> -- Jeff
> Bent André Solheim wrote:
> > Hi Struts users,
> >
> > I am developing a web based reporting system using Struts, and one
> > requirement is that each customer can have their own tailored version
> > of the reports.
> >
> > I use tiles to define each report page for each customer, and for each
> > page for each customer I define a <forward> element in the
> > <global-forwards>. In the Actions, I look up what Customer is
> > performing the Action and return the approprate ActionForward. This
> > works just fine functionally, but it is turning into a maintenance
> > issue.
> >
> > In struts-config.xml, I have a <forward> element for each customer for
> > each report page where the name and path is prefixed with a
> > CustomerId;
> >
> > ...
> > <forward name="customer1id.summary" path="customer1id.summary" ... />
> > <forward name="customer2id.summary" path="customer2id.summary" ... />
> > <forward name="customer3id.summary" path="customer3id.summary" ... />
> > <forward name="customer1id.overview" path="customer1id.overview" ... />
> > <forward name="customer2id.overview" path="customer2id.overview" ... />
> > ...
> >
> > where the path is tiles definition names. I realise that I must have a
> > unique path for each report page for each Customer, but ideally I
> > would not declare these in struts-config.xml, and in my Actions, I
> > would not look up the Customer performing the Action, but just return
> > a Customer ignorant forward;
> >
> > in my Action:
> > ...
> > return mapping.findForward("summary");
> >
> > in struts-config.xml
> > <forward name="summary" path="summary" ... />
> >
> > and then plug in some kind of mechanism to the struts framework that
> > was able to determine the forward path for the current Customer for
> > the given forward name.
> >
> > This would save me a lot of typing in the struts-config.xml and would
> > clean up my Action classes of the necessary customer aware forward
> > lookup.
> >
> > Am I making any sense here? Have anybody had similary issues and found
> > a decent solution that they would like to share? Is the solution I
> > described possible to implement easily?
> >
> > Best Regards
> > Bent André
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