One issue to beware of is a JSF restriction related to
RequestDispatcher.include() -- which is what Tiles uses under the
covers.  Each included Tile has to be nested in an <f:subview> tag
(either in the surrounding page, or inside each Tile).  In the
"example2" sample app, I put these in the layout because it was easier
-- but they need to be one place or the other.  Do you have them in
your app?

I would tend to make sure your app works with the standard Struts and
Struts-Faces environment (the way example2 does) before inserting
struts-chain into the mix.  Otherwise, you're totally on the bleeding
edge trying to get this all integrated (since struts-chain is still
quite experimental itself) -- although I'll happily cheer from the
sidelines and apply any reasonable patches that you come up with :-).


PS:  The posts to "layout.faces" are an artifact of what JSF thinks
the view identifier is when it is processing the form component. 
TilesFacesRequestProcessor (in the standard struts-faces library)
handles this correctly by specializing some of the behavior as
compared to FacesRequestProcessor.  I suspect you'll need to end up
with a specialized version of the standard servlet-chain for this to
work.  It would be ideal if we could come up with one chain that would
"just work" for Tiles and non-Tiles and JSF and non-JSF use cases ...
but it wouldn't bother me to supply multiple "standard" chain
definitions and made picking the right chain easy to configure.

On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 16:40:47 -0400, Sean Schofield
> I am trying to get struts and jsf to play nice with each other.  Right
> now, my only requirements are to have tiles supported.  Most
> everything else will be handled through JSF.
> I have looked at the struts-faces package, but most of it seems to be
> overkill for what I want.  I would like to use struts-chain and
> slightly modify the default chain to handle this.
> I have 95% of this working but there is one big problem.  When I
> "submit" the resulting page, it submits to the "layout.faces" instead
> of "" (whose forward points to the definition that uses
> layout.faces as the layout.)  I am assuming the issue is that I have a
> <f:view> tag on my layout page and this is where the action is being
> configured.  I'm still hunting in the source to confirm this ...
> My idea is to add a command to the "standard-servlet" chain that would
> handle this problem.  I noticed in the struts-faces package that a
> HttpServletRequestWrapper is sometimes used.  I tried wrapping the
> request using this but no luck.
> Any ideas on how I can accomplish this?
> TIA,
> sean
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