
Do any of your forwards have redirect="true" in them and point to a JSP?
That would do a browser redirect to make the browser go to a JSP, resulting
in lost parameters. Any change of posting part of your struts-config.xml for
us to skim over and point anything out that looks unusual?  When you get
NPE's from missing parameters, do you have other parameters that were
submitted but some that are missing?  Are you log printing to be able to
verify that whenever it does happen, that only some parameters are missing
and not just all?


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: Request parameters not making it to Actions?

I should point out, before anyone calls me on it, that this is strictly an
internal app that is IE-specific (as per the overlords of the company's
orders).  Therefore, there's no chance that user disabled scripting or
anything, and indeed they wouldn't have been able to even log in if they
had.  So, the validations before submission are most definitely firing.  I'm
convinced they aren't broke, but it's possible they could be... I'm
proceeding under the belief that they aren't though and therefore an invalid
submission is not being made at any point (unless it's a navigation problem,
i.e., back, which is still a possibility)

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

On Fri, October 22, 2004 3:10 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> Hello all... I've got a strange situation that's been bugging me for a
> while.  First, some quick background:
> I wrote an application about two years ago that was based on a proprietary
> framework that has now been converted to Struts.  One of the things this
> proprietary framework was missing was the concept of ActionForms.
> Instead, when you hit your controller classes, you dealt with the Request
> object directly to get your parameters.
> Since as usual I had to get the conversion done in far less time than it
> should have been done in, I basically would up not really using
> ActionForms except to transfer data back to the view.  In other words, no
> validation is don in the ActionForms, and they are not auto-populateed by
> Struts.  My Actions still deal directly with Request, I just populate the
> ActionForm on the way out to the JSP (I intended to use the ActionForms
> more "properly" later, but that time has never presented itself).
> So, now I come to the issue... It seems that every now and again (average
> of about 25 times per 50,000 transaction) I get NPE's in my Actions and
> they are always because some value that was expected to be in Request is
> null.
> Now, the front-end does a bunch of validation (JavaScript) and I've gone
> over it a ton of times and there doesn't seem to be any way a user could
> submit a form without filling in required elements (and most of them
> should be blanks anyway, not nulls).  I thought about maybe they were
> using the Back button in some crazy way, but the app opens in a new
> chromless window, so they would have to be using a keyboard shortcut.
> I've tried every crazy thing I could think of to break it, but it never
> seems to break.  I have NEVER ONCE replicated one of these problems.
> So, my question comes down to this... has anyone ever seen a situation
> where a Struts-based app running on Tomcat (5.0.25 I believe) would "lose"
> request data, either as a fault of Struts or of Tomcat?  Could it be some
> Tomcat tuning issue? (I will ask this same question on the Tomcat list,
> but I wanted to start here first).
> Any thoughts would be appreciated.  Fortunately no one is complaining
> because the app is generally quite stable, but these once-in-a-while
> exceptions are pissing me off more than anything else!
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