Thanks. Yes, I can reference the bean name from every <html:text> or other element inside of the <html:form>. But if there are lots of fields, it would be nicer to only write the bean name once, in the <html:form> tag.

Luis Gervaso wrote:

You can use 3 differents FlightBean and then populate the *value
attribute* in each <html:text/>
When you click only one form submit is sent

Luis Gervaso

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 15:28:16 +0900, Bill Keese

I have a question about pre-populating the fields of a form you display
in the browser. To pre-populate fields, the Action saves a Form bean in
the context via request.setAttribute("inputForm", inputForm), and
<html:form> tag looks up the form bean.

<html:form> determines the form bean's name automatically based on the
specified action and the settings in struts-config.xml. But, what if you
wanted a web page with multiple forms all pointing at the same action?
For example, an airline ticket website might display 10 possible flights
and have a button to book each flight. All the buttons point at the same
bookFlight action, but the flight number attribute is different.

In other words, how do I implement the code below without using the
"name" (or beanName) attribute:
request.setAttribute("inputForm1", new InputForm("$499", "flight 31"));
request.setAttribute("inputForm2", new InputForm("$599", "flight 32"));
request.setAttribute("inputForm3", new InputForm("$699", "flight 33"));

<html:form beanName="inputForm1" action="">
<html:button ... />
<html:form beanName="inputForm2" action="">
<html:button ... />
<html:form beanName="inputForm3" action="">
<html:button ... />


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