Pilgrim, Peter wrote:

> Hi
> Please see intermixed

The BOF IV took place at The Furnace restuarant The following people are attending so far:

    Peter Pilgrim
    Alan Mehio
    Thomas Pluempe
    Tim Penhey
    Charles Cordingley
    Marco Mistroni
    Niall Pemberton
    Allister Snedon

Apologies for Absence

    Christopher Marsh-Bourdon

Topics Discussed

(*) IoC Frameworks, principles of inversion of-control Why? How? (*) Eclipse Development environment working with My Eclipse (*) Hani Suleiman Bile Blog, various other Blogs on JRoller.com http://www.jroller.com/page/fate/ http://www.jroller.com/page/peter_pilgrim (*) Future of Struts Development, wishlist to simplify the design. i.e ActionForm should have bean an Java interface. In JSF there is a managed bean. Niall discussed a wrapper to make any bean an action form. (*) Why is Struts Chain not a simple interface and implementation of the chain of responsibility pattern? Why does it have to have portlets and servlets built into the package? (*) Why does it take so long to get a Struts Release out of the door? (*) What is exactly in Struts 1.2.4 release? (*) Political angles between Struts and Java Server Faces? (*) Postgres Database 8 availability for Windows Env Subscribe to window postgres sql hacker list instead of general announcements. (*) Why is postgres better than Mysql for ACID transactions? (*) Why is MysSQL ISAM tables faster than anything else out there (for non-TX stuff). (*) WebLogic Server, difficult of debugging EJBs thereof (*) The difficult of getting approval from business leaders, who sanction the library version for a whole enterprises. The classic statement: "If it is not a FCS version, then you cannot use that JAR in our company X.". (*) Related to the above, avoid polluting the dependencies of different JARs, just so that such dependencies between essential libraries cannot be minimised. Some organisation have to explain every dependency and class in a JAR. Why is it required? What it is? Where is it exactly been used?

Did I miss everything?

=========================================================================== F E E D B A C K S H E E T ===========================================================================

I'd like to thanks all the participants that attendeded last Friday night. I think it was a great and successful night. Can you grant me a favour and fill out a feed back sheet so we can improve this event?

F1: What did you really want to discuss at the Networking? Your personal comment here [


Would you like to have an agenda of discussion for all meetings?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

F2: What do you prefer Public Bar or Restuarant?
[ ] Pub
[ ] Restaurant
[ ] Other, your personal venue suggestion [ ]

F3: Which night of the week is best for you?

[ ] Monday
[ ] Wednesday
[ ] Friday
Other night [   ]

F4: Was the networking usefully for you? What is helpful that you learnt something new>

[ ] Fantastico
[ ] Rather useful
[ ] Not quite so useful for me
[ ] It was a waste of time

F5: Is the size of the event good enough for you?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

F6: Did you meet and circulate to the other networkers?
[ ] Yes
[ ] Somewhat
[ ] No

F7: Do you have any suggestions for improvement


F8: Are you interested in Xmas BOF V 2004 (early December)?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Would you like to take part in November quick meet up or just
leave it for the Xmas BOF?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No


Website Details


Just me killing four birds with one stone. This is me. Out!

-- Peter Pilgrim __ _____ _____ _____ / //__ // ___// ___/ + Serverside Java / /___/ // /__ / /__ + Struts / // ___// ___// ___/ + Expresso Committer __/ // /__ / /__ / /__ + Independent Contractor /___//____//____//____/ + Intrinsic Motivation On Line Resume || \\===> `` http://www.xenonsoft.demon.co.uk/no-it-striker.html ''

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