hi jack,
thanks, the solution is cool ! I am trying it.

a small problem i am experiencing now is that (i am
not sure if there is something wrong in my
configuration), the parameter on one page is passed on
to the next page, so when we getMethod, the earlier
method name is returned.

I have one 'Search Template' page, which gets the
search criteria and then pass the results to the
ListTemplate.jsp page after pressing the Search button
(it is associated with the 'search.dispatch'
parameter). The 'list parameter' page has a sortable
table (i am using DisplayTag):

<html:form action="/admin/ListTemplate">
<display:table name="templates" 
               sort="list" export="true"  

<display:setProperty name="basic.empty.showtable" 
   <display:column media="html"> 
     <input type=checkbox 
            name="value(<bean:write name="templates" 
            property="id"/>)" value="x"/> 
   <display:column title="Name" property="name" 
           paramId="templateID" paramProperty="id"/>
   <display:column title="Category" 
           property="category.name" sortable="true" 
           paramId="templateID" paramProperty="id"/>

<html:submit property="remove.dispatch">
<bean:message key="button.remove"/>


the problem is that the additional
search.dispatch=Search is inserted into the requestURI
when I 'view source'. I have no idea. 

I am not sure if it is the DisplayTag limitation
though ...

li xin

--- Dakota Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All of your problems are caused because
> LookupDispatchAction creates a
> reverse mapping from the value of a parameter to its
> key, in order to
> get the method name.  This is not only resource
> intensive but also a
> constant source of the sorts of difficulties you are
> experiencing. You
> can find what are better alternatives in various
> places.  Some of them
> are itemized at
> http://www.michaelmcgrady.com/button/ .
> Jack
> On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:17:56 -0600, Kumar V Kadiyala
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'm using LookupDispatchAction to submit a form
> with multiple submit
> > buttons. The labels of the buttons are translated.
> The translated strings
> > are in a .properties file. I'm able to run the web
> app fine in English but
> > when I switch to Korean none of the the submit
> buttons work and I see the
> > following message in the log.
> > [10/27/04 21:40:39:631 MDT] 67f967f9 DispatchActio
> E
> > org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction 
> Request[/tag] does not contain
> > handler parameter named method
> > 
> > The Korean .properties was converted to ascii
> (using nativetoascii) from
> > its native encoding. Does this have to do anything
> with what I'm noticing?
> > Should something additional be done when
> .properties files are coverted to
> > ascii?
> > 
> > Help appreciated,
> > Kumar
> > 
> -- 
> "You can't wake a person who is pretending to be
> asleep."
> ~Native Proverb~
> "Each man is good in His sight. It is not necessary
> for eagles to be crows."
> ~Hunkesni (Sitting Bull), Hunkpapa Sioux~
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