Hi Guys 
Thanks for Peng
I found that i was putting a servlet.jar library into my war WEB-INF/lib
directory, so that i cut it and it worked fine.
Thanks a lot!

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 09:33:44 -0400, Ricardo Andres Quintero wrote
> Hi Guys:
> does anyone know why this error happens with tomcat 5? 
> im deploying into JBoss 3.2.5, and the problem is this:
> Ha tenido lugar un error en la línea: 22 en el archivo jsp: /web/jsp/inicio.jsp
> Error de servlet generado:
> _jspx_meth_html_submit_0(javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.JspTag,
> javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext) in org.apache.jsp.web.jsp.inicio_jsp 
> cannot be applied to
> (org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag,javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext)
>         if (_jspx_meth_html_submit_0(_jspx_th_html_form_0, 
> _jspx_page_context))            ^
> i search in internet, and i dont find the solution.
> --
> Ricardo Andrés Quintero R.
> Ubiquando Ltda.
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Ricardo Andrés Quintero R.
Ubiquando Ltda.

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