
in my application I have a rather complex object to deal with. I have split
the process in several jsps (JSP1, ..., JSPn) using different ActionForms
(AF1, ..., AFm) with them. I need information collected in one JSPi (using
AFi) in another JSPj (using AFj). How can I access both Afi and Afj in one
action? Or, is it wise to do so?

I can imagine three possibilities:
1. really use both ActionForms (they have to be session scoped) in one
action. One being passed as parameter, the other fetched from the session
when needed.
Pro: easy to implement
Con: I do not know whether there is an official way to access the second one
(never found it mentioned somewhere)

2. merge all ActionForms to one big mega ActionForm
Pro: works
Con: no modularization; if I need to use one (partial) ActionForm in another
place, I have to take everything or replicate the needed part

3. split the action in two: the first one using AFi and storing the
interesting part in some shared buffer, the second reading the buffer and
populating AFj accordingly:
Pro: theoretically clean
Con: a lot of extra actions

What would you suggest?


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