On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 16:23:24 -0000, Daffin, Miles (Company IT)
> [snip]
> One assumes that the ActionServlet did not load the ModuleConfig, and
> that the application is *not* therefore really viable - although it
> seems to think it is...
> So. My question is: is this a struts bug? Should the application be
> attempting to service requests if its central component failed to boot
> correctly?

The servlet container is allowed to put the app into production if an
individual servlet fails to initialize (but not if a listener or
filter fails -- don't you just love backwards compatibility on
decisions you wish you could change? :-).  Therefore, it is indeed a
bug for Struts to allow a failed startup to be put into production. 
We should really be checking for that situation on subsequent
requests, and giving a more intelligible response.

Could you please file a bug on this into our issue tracking system:



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