If you're going to do this inside Struts, then processPreprocess(), in
a subclass of RequestProcessor, does indeed seem like a reasonable
place to do so.


On Mon, 15 Nov 2004 11:43:34 -0800, Randy Eckhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was hoping to avoid filters for a bunch of reasons (not going to get
> into them here).
> Does anyone if the below technique of subclassing RequestProcessor is
> the "right" way to go in struts? Or can I do something in the action
> handler before RequestProcessor is called?
> Randy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kris Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, November 15, 2004 9:57 AM
> To: Struts Users Mailing List
> Subject: Re: Request.setCharacterEncoding question
> If you've got a copy of Tomcat installed, look at:
> $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/servlets-examples/WEB-INF/classes/filters/SetChar
> acterEncodingFilter.java
> Quoting Randy Eckhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > With the 2.3 servet API, there is a new method:
> >
> >       request.setCharacterEncoding(String encoding)
> >
> > This lets you tell the server a request's character encoding. It is
> > critical that setCharacterEncoding is called BEFORE any
> > request.getParameter is called (or getReader). Otherwise, you are at
> > the mercy of the appserver for what you get back on the getParameter
> > call. For example, if setCharacterEncoding is not called, you could
> > get a null value back on getParameter("foo").
> >
> > When you post directly to a jsp (MVC 1), the "entry point" for
> > servicing the page is ultimately the page itself. So JspCompilers have
> > request.setCharacterEncoding("whatever"); in the generated java code
> > as one of the first things that get done.
> >
> > But with Struts, the entry point is not the JSP but rather the action.
> > You eventually forward to the view but by that point, you've already
> > processed the request.
> >
> > So my question is this: For struts actions and forms and anything else
> > struts, is there 1 common place where we can override something to
> > call request.setCharacterEncoding(). Is
> > RequestProcessor.processPreprocess
> > the place to do it? I grepped the struts 1.2.4 source code and only
> > found a setCharacterEncoding on upload\MultipartRequestWrapper.java.
> > That method is a no-op. Ideally, we only want to override 1 method
> that
> > will handle the request's encoding for form validation and the action
> > handlers, etc. If processPreprocess is NOT the place to do this,
> > where/how should we do this? The ActionServlet instance perhaps that
> > calls RequestProcessor.process()? The action handler knows what
> encoding
> > to use so somehow, I would have to tell the request processor the
> > "encoding" unless I can override something in the ActionServlet before
> > process() gets called.
> >
> > I did *some* searching through the struts source code and in
> > RequestProcessor, the call to processPopulate does a getParameter:
> >         if ((request.getParameter(Constants.CANCEL_PROPERTY) != null)
> ||
> >             (request.getParameter(Constants.CANCEL_PROPERTY_X) !=
> > null)) {
> >
> > So calling setCharacterEncoding has to be done before
> > processPopulate().
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Randy
> --
> Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> D.O.Tech       <http://www.dotech.com/>
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