one thing you missed off the diagram is the HTML reader. A public website often has to cater for:

- old browsers like Netscape 4
- text only browsers like lynx
- PDA browsers with no javascript etc
- spiders which ignore sessions
- screen readers for the blind

all of which make strong demands on the view and often require extra output from the model.


On 11/15/2004 07:46 PM Dakota Jack wrote:
The whole discussion about MVC and web frameworks is important, I
think, because not many cash it out when to do so (cash it out) would
be helpful for discussion.  We might try some way of refering to this
such as WEBMVC.  Anyway, the MVC pattern, taken literally, is
impossible in a web framework.  What is possible is something like the
following where the arrows indicate where there is a coupling:

  View <==> Controller <==> Model

Here the Model and the View are completely decoupled.  But, even this
is almost a total representation of what is really going on.  What is
really going on is that the response object is ultimately HTML and
that the JSP pages are part of creating the response object, so that
JSP pages inherently provide a smart-serverside View.  This all is not
simple to cash out.  I have a sample beginning of cashing this out at , which, if others want to provide
alternative way of viewing this I will show them all.  The most
important thing, I think, is to distinguish between the View data and
the Model data.  That is the distinction, I think, that Craig makes in
JSTL between iteration and sql statements in JSP.


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