Below is a reply sent to this mailing list about the Tiles controller

  The problem was trying to populate a dynamic Tiles attribute (exactly the
same as what you want) in a cleaner way.

  If you still have problems post them in this thread and I will try to

  Hope it helps,

Pedro Salgado

Hi Robert..

I guess you could achieve the same using the controllerClass attribute and
building your class.. For instance, I have this definition in the
tiles-defs.xml file:
   <definition name=".layout"
     <put name="title"       value="Encabezado primario"/>
     <put name="leftside"    value="/common/leftside.jsp"/>
     <put name="rightside"   value="/common/rightside.jsp"/>
     <put name="header"      value="/common/header.jsp"/>
     <put name="footer"      value="/common/footer.jsp"/>
     <put name="body"        value="/common/body.jsp"/>
  And I have this controllerClass
package com.dars;
import org.apache.struts.tiles.actions.TilesAction;
import org.apache.struts.tiles.ComponentContext;
import org.apache.struts.tiles.Controller;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;

public class XTileAction extends TilesAction implements Controller{
    public void perform(ComponentContext tilesctx,
                        HttpServletRequest request,
                        HttpServletResponse response,
                        ServletContext servctx)
                        throws ServletException, IOException{
 /* GetAttributes */
             String titulo= (String)tilesctx.getAttribute("title");
             String derecha= (String)tilesctx.getAttribute("rightside");
 /* GetAttributes */
             System.out.println("  Titulo: "+titulo);
             System.out.println(" Derecha: "+derecha);
 /* SetAttributes */
           tilesctx.putAttribute("title", "Titulo nuevo de esta vaina..");
           tilesctx.putAttribute("rightside", "/common/footer.jsp");
 /* SetAttributes */
You can change the values of those attributes at runtime. I prefer to do
it using this method.

Domingo A. Rodriguez S.

 --- Robert Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió: > Greetings, I have a
tiles definition in my tiles-defs.xml similar to
> below:
>  <definition name="search" extends="layout">
>     <put name="heading" value="{0}Search" type="string" />
>     <put name="content" value="/search.jsp" type="page" />
>   </definition>
> which I would like to be able to modify the "heading" value such that
> at runtime I could substitute a value for {0}.
> For example, it would be ideal to use a JSTL type of syntax such as:
> <definition name="search" extends="layout">
>     <put name="heading" value="${param.myValue}Search" type="string" />
>     <put name="content" value="/search.jsp" type="page" />
>   </definition>
> but this does not work.
> robert
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On 24/03/2004 18:14, "Mariano García González"

> Hi all,
> I am newbie using tiles, so maybe this question is too easy for you.
> I want to use a tile definition in which, one of the attribute values is
> dynamic. It is something like this:
> <definition name="tracebox.def.encoderconfig" extends="">
> <put name="title" value="encoderconfig" />
> <put name="body" value="DYNAMIC CONTENT" />
> </definition>
> I want to use a dynamic url in body attribute, depending of a bean
> attribute.
> I hope you understand me. Could you help me?
> Thanks,
> Mariano.
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On 17/11/04 3:15 am, "Dave Bender" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The logic:present looks like a good solution, but I would be interested in
> seeing how you've defined a controllerClass to do the trick, too.
> Dave
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 2:29 PM
> Subject: RE: Tiles:insert role(s)?
> You can also define a controllerClass for your tiles definition and
> insert the tiles properties according to the user roles.
> If you need I can send you an example (tomorrow).
> Pedro Salgado
>> Hi Dave,
>> You can use the logic present to show what you want for a particular
>> role. You can use it like this :
>> <logic:present role="admin,associates">
>> <tiles:insert page="left_nav/admin.jsp"/>
>> </logic:present>
>> With the logic:present you can write user as much that you want it.
>>               Charles
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dave Bender [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: November 16, 2004 2:07 PM
>> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>> Subject: Tiles:insert role(s)?
>> Is it possible to make a tile show up for people from multiple roles?
>> I'm building a dynamic menu and would like certain items to show up for
>> people in different roles.  For example:
>> <tiles:insert page="left_nav/admin.jsp" role="admin" />
>> works great to make the admin link show up if the user in the 'admin'
>> role. But I want some items to show up for a set of roles, so it'll
>> appear if a user is in 'admin', 'associates', but not others.  I've
>> tried stringing together roles with commas, but that didn't work.  Is
>> there already a way to do this or do I need to write my own code?
>> Thanks!
>> Dave
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