
Cheers for that, I guess that would explain the problem, also why all over
the internet I see people using beans when using indexed properties. I have
another validation component in my system that I think I can use to do the
validation I want rather than the validation.xml.

The reason I'm using the indexed property method is that I don't know how
many items I will have as this gets set at runtime from some xml schemas
which ties into an Oracle XML-DB so everything needs to tie up with

If there's no way to do this using the struts validator, I'll do a
workaround elsewhere.

Cheers for the help!


Paul - when using indexedListProperty in a field for validator, 
indexedListProperty is the name of the *form-property* from 
struts-config that you want to validate and property becomes the 
property *of that class* that you want to validate.

In what you have posted above, this would mean that validator is trying 
to validate PropertyName[x].PropertyName - because PropertyName[x] is a 
String object though, there is obviously no PropertyName in it.

I have never seen indexedListProperty used with a String object before, 
and am not entirely sure it is possible. I think the type of the object 
you use for your indexedListProperty must have a getter/setter for 
whatever property you use, and String fails that test. (Maybe somebody 
else will chime in and prove me wrong though...)

I think the bigger question is - if you are using a set size String 
array for these fields, why not just simplify it and make 4 separate 
fields? You don't need to worry about indexed properties at all then.

The only alternative I can think of is to setup a new class, and make an 
array of that.


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