I may be wrong, but it sounds a lot like you are misunderstanding the scope
of the request object. Apologies if I'm wrong - please ignore the following
egg-sucking tutorial!

The request objects life starts, on the server, when the servlet container
recieves a request from the user's browser. That request object is valid
until the end of all server side processing (i.e. until the page is rendered
on the browser). Nothing set in one request is visible in any other request.

In the example you give you are copying, whilst your page is being rendered,
one request scope attribute (index) to another request scope attribute
(identifier). What you aren't doing, as Rick says, is putting that bit of
information anywhere that can be used by a subsequent request. You need to
render the index in such a way that it is automatically sent back to the
server on subsequent requests.

I think the easiest way to do this would be to declare the index as a
property of your form bean. Your action could set this form property (rather
then setting the request scoped attribute as it dow now). The <html:hidden/>
struts tag will take care of preserving this value for subsequent requests.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tito Eritja [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 24 November 2004 19:41
> To: struts
> Subject: loosing request attributes from jsp to action
> Hi everybody.
> We are working on a fleet trucking system. One user can have several
> windows opened, each window can manage several trucks. 
> In order to manage this, the actionform has a Vector of this "window"
> information (and it's set in a session scope). 
> As all this "windows" are managed by the same Action, we identify the
> window, setting an identifier in each request scope.
> We get that identifier in jsp "window" with
> request.getAttribute("index") (with JSTL tags works fine), set it on
> request with <core:set var="identifier" scope="request" 
> value"index"/>,
> and submit the form to the action, The problem comes when 
> trying to get
> the identifier bean from this request in the action as the result is
> null.
> Has anybody knows what I'm doing wrong? 
> tito
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