Joe Germuska <Joe 'at'> writes:


> >As far as I know, the most reliable way is to specify
> >"accept-charset" as UTF-8 in the <form> of the HTML ('s
> >description of this parameter: "This attribute specifies the list
> >of character encodings for input data that is accepted by the
> >server processing this form"). Theoretically, this forces the
> >browser to send the data in UTF-8. As far as I know, tests showed
> >that this should work correctly with current browsers. The
> >problem is that this parameter is not available in <html:form>
> >from struts, the reason of it I have no clue about.
> This property was added in Struts 1.2.2, as noted on

Ah, interesting. I was talking about version 1.1 from which I
haven't upgraded yet, my bad.
> In my experience, this is not as well supported by browsers as one
> would wish.  My experience is that the most effective way to coax a
> browser to use a specific encoding when returning data is to send the
> page in the encoding which you want the browser to use when returning
> data.  It looks like that's what's being done -- but be careful not to
> count on a JSP "page" directive in a tile, since only the "outermost"
> tile (the first one which writes to the response stream) has the
> chance to set the page encoding.

Fine. Then the most effective way would be to do both, probably :)

> Also note that Struts' multipart processing currently is rather clumsy
> in handling form encoding.  If the request object returns null from
> "getCharacterEncoding()", then Struts assumes ISO-8859-1.  I was

Isn't it Tomcat itself? This is a behaviour per servlets
specifications (see page 41 of 2.4 specs).

> setting the request encoding with a custom command in a chain-request
> processor, but the request was still returning a null value in
> CommonsMultipartRequestHandler where the non-uploaded fields were
> being processed.  Of course, this may have nothing to do with your
> situation.

As far as I know, this is a behaviour per specifications. Page 41
and 198 of servlets 2.4 specs: changing the character encoding
must be done prior to reading request parameters or reading
input. Odds are high there is something which reads input before
you set the request encoding.

> In the case where I have a non-multipart form, I have consistently
> gotten suitable results simply by making sure that the form page is
> delivered to the browser with the character encoding I want to use.

Good to know!

Guillaume Cottenceau

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