On Monday 06 December 2004 17:55, Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

> Also, with frames you can do some tricks that you can't do otherwise.
> For instance, having a hidden frame with cached data and Javascript
> cuntions can be incredibly powerful.  


> You can boost perforance by not 
> sending that stuff down with every request, lower the load on your
> server and make your user interface more robust.

If you're going to do something that makes it worthwhile putting the JS in the 
frame, you probably should be using a script file - in which case it is 
cached anyway and you get the same savings.
> In short, if the parts of the UI you don't think will change much
> doesn't contain too much, I'd say go with tiles because you probably
> won't benefit very much from frames.  If however the contents of those
> parts is significant, and/or you can see the need for caching data and
> common code, frames can be very powerful.  

Only for data, never for code...

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