If your users are happy with the separate drop-downs for month, date, and year than this approach allows the greatest control. However, since the data is spread between multiple input fields, I think you will find that it is easier to implement validate() yourself instead of trying to use the Validator.

Certainly ensuring that the to date is greater than the from date is a custom validation.

You might want to look into using a Calendar control. This can give you the best of both worlds; controlled input but still convenient for the end-user. I have had good luck with http://www.mattkruse.com/javascript/calendarpopup/.

-Bill Siggelkow

Ben wrote:

I am using Struts with Velocity as a replacement to JSP. I would like
to implement a date drop down list and love to hear your opinions on
the best way to implement it.

I like to have something like these on my ActionForms and use
ValidatorPlugin to validate the data:

[MM] [DD] [YYYY]


From [MM] [DD] [YYYY] to [MM] [DD] [YYYY]

I am planning to create two DynaValidatorForm: DateForm and
TimePeriodForm. Something like these:

DateForm {
Integer month;
Integer day;
Integer year;

TimePeriodForm {
DateForm start = new DateForm();
DateForm end = new DateForm();

So in my form, I can call them as timeperiod.start.month,
timeperiod.start.day and timeperiod.start.year, etc...

My concern is how to validate the data and make sure the start date
less than the end date.

I am looking forward to hear from you.


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