
I'm currently writing a short Struts application without a database (I know that this would be better, but as it is only for teaching purposes, I don't want to 'overflow' my audience with databases and ORM).
It should be a small online sales system -- I've got ShoppingItems, ShoppingUsers (which are not yet used) and ShoppingCarts.

I want a ShoppingCart which stores the ordered items per user. I had something like this:

public class ShoppingCartAction extends DispatchAction {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

  public ActionForward order(...)

  public ActionForward list(...)

and thought that it would work. Unfortunately, each user (which is not authenticated or anything yet) gets the same shopping cart when he calls shoppingCart.do?method=list.

So I did some research and found this: 

So I created an ShoppingCartMapping class

public class ShoppingCartMapping extends ActionMapping {
  private ShoppingCartManager shoppingCartManager;

and call it like this

public ActionForward list(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
  HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response)
  throws Exception {
    return mapping.findForward("list");

which gives me a ClassCastException.

Do I have to set my custom ActionMapping in web.xml or struts-config.xml?
Am I on the right way, or is there a better way of doing this?

Thanks in advande and kind regards,

PS: Please cc me in your answers.

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