Hi Joe

I am beginning to think you are right - care to offer some sample javascript??


-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Germuska [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 December 2004 21:19
To: David Bolsover; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Conditional forward to target page on form submittal

At 9:16 PM +0000 12/9/04, David Bolsover wrote:
>I need to extend an existing application with a conditional forward 
>to a specified page following form submittal.
>For example forward name="top" path="/toppage.jsp" ... needs to 
>forward to named target page "top"
>forward name="side" path="/sidepage.jsp" ... needs to forward to 
>named target page "side"
>Now this kind of functionality is simple to achive if you can put code like:
><html:form action="/someAction.do?method=somemethod" target="sometarget" >
>in your .jsp page.
>My problem is that I do not know which is the correct target page 
>until AFTER the form has been submitted.

The only solution I have found to this type of problem is to return a 
page to the originating window or frame, and use javascript in the 
return page to open a new page in the preferred target or frame.


Joe Germuska            
"Narrow minds are weapons made for mass destruction"  -The Ex

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