opps. Didnt see this post when I replied just now.

The syntax seems ok. When you say its not producing results, is there any error message or stack trace, or is it just that that part of the page is blank?

If blank it sounds like the results vector is empty. I presume you initialise it in your Action before forwarding to the view? Given that you say the actionform is being recreated I rather suspect that you may inadvertanly be using a redirecting forward to forward to the JSP. Check your struts-config.xml and make sure that the ActionForward pointing to the JSP has redirect="false" set.

Also check that your action="... path in the <html:form tag is correct and points at the right action.

Pramod wrote:

It is not displaying the results. The code producing new instances of

i will send my code

<logic:iterate id="advanceEntryForm" name="results">
    <td bgcolor="beige"><bean:write property="resid" name="advanceEntryForm"

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