When I have this sort of thing, I usually put it in an "initializer" Action that I always link to in place of the JSP.

<action path="initPage" name="BasicContentForm" validate="false" type="com.example.InitAction">
<!-- This action populates the form -->
<forward path="page.jsp" redirect="false" name="success" />
<action path="processPage" name="BasicContentForm" validate="true" input="initPage.do" ...>
<!-- this action processes the form -->

-- Jeff

Diego Manilla Suárez wrote:
Hi! I have a problem with form members initialization.

I have this form.

public class BasicContentForm extends ValidatorForm {

   protected java.util.List propertyValues;
     public BasicContentForm() {
       this.propertyValues = new java.util.ArrayList();
     public void setPropertyValues( java.util.List propertyValues ) {
       this.propertyValues = propertyValues;
   }        public java.util.List getPropertyValues() {
       return this.propertyValues;
     public Object getPropertyValue(int index) {
       return propertyValues.get(index);
     public void reset(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {
       this.propertyValues = new java.util.ArrayList();

And this jsp:

<logic:iterate name="basicContentForm" property="propertyValues" id="propertyValue">
<html:text name="propertyValue" property="value" indexed="true"/>

The problem is that the number and type of the elements of propertyValues list is calculated dynamically (from the database). I was doing that on my Action class, but I've realized that this doesn't work: when I submit the form, I get an Exception at BeanUtils.populate, because the list is not properly initialized. If I can't initialize it on the reset() method (I need to access the database), what else can I do?

Thanks in advance

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