Hi, Tim,

If you have been following uma's posts, you will find that she has
already discovered the Struts file upload classes.


On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 09:26:59 -0500, Slattery, Tim - BLS
> > How do I get html:file value in Action class without using javascript?
> > <html:file property="theFile" />
> Have you looked at the struts-upload.jar in the Struts distribution zip
> file? That's a full-functional file upload application, all the details of
> using Struts to upload a file are there.
> In a nutshell, you use <html:file ...> in your jsp page, you set
> method="post" and enctype="multipart/form-data" in your <html:form...>
> element, and you use an object of type org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile in
> your ActionForm to receive the uploaded file. If you look up FormFile in the
> Struts javadocs, you'll find that it has methods to give you all sorts of
> information about the file, as well as an InputStream so you can read the
> data.
> --
> Tim Slattery
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