How about triggering off the submitMethod.x name's existance. You don't care about what the value is, but the mere existance should work.

Karr, David wrote:
This isn't strictly a Struts question, but I may have to manipulate the
Struts tags to get around this problem.

I have some code that uses "html:image" to form an image submit button.
I don't care about the click coordinates, I just care about the request
parameter from the "name" parameter.

This code works fine when run in FireFox.

Unfortunately, I find that IE doesn't send a request parameter named by
the "name" attribute.  A quick google for this confirms this somewhat

For instance, my "input" tag looks like the following.  When I run this
in FireFox, I get a request parameter named "submitMethod", with the
value "abc".  In IE, I don't see a "submitMethod" request parameter.
Both browsers produce the ".x" and ".y" parameters, which I don't care

      <input type="image" name="submitMethod"
             src="/inputbug/images/delete.gif" value="abc">

Is there a standard way of getting around this problem?  Is there a
better place to ask questions like this?

David M. Karr, Technical Specialist II
TSG Data Delivery and Integration Services
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

Washington Mutual
1201 Third Avenue, WMT0914, Seattle, WA 98101

206.490.7289 direct | 206.909.0664 mobile
206.490.2262 fax

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