Thank you for your comments.  

After another few hours last night I got things working using the following
sequence of steps:
1.  Deployed a new blank application
2.  Editted all the configuration files, with a text editor
    (NOTE: there appears to be a name mismatch between the Tiles TLD and the  
           taglib entry in the web.xml of the sample struts application)
3.  Rebuilt my Tiles framework, again  outside of Eclipse
4.  Created the src/<package> structure by hand
5.  Coded my custom tag via my preferred text editor
6.  Modified build.xml
7.  Built from command-line ant
8.  Re-started Tomcat from the command-line

Ie, doing "everything" by-hand in a "plain" text editor, outside of Eclipse. 
Now that's how I'm used to doing development, but I liked the promise Eclipse
support for testing and CVS as well as the object/method browsing as I'm new to
Java and will always be looking up stuff.

I'm going to try an Eclipse configuration again later today, using your comments
and starting from a regular "Java Project" in Eclipse and not a "Tomcat
Project" and see if more manual intervention in the setup allows better results
down the road.

Thank you.


Quoting Bill Siggelkow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Eric,
> It sounds like you are definitely reaching frustration level. I do not 
> have experience on Mac OS X but I can tell you my WinXP experience. 
> First, I don't use the Sysdeo plug-in; I just start and stop tomcat 
> manually -- I *do* utilize Eclipse's Ant integration to run my builds; 
> this works fine. As far as development, when developing I add the 
> jsp-api.jar and servlet-api.jar to my project's build path; I also 
> reference these jars in my compile path in my Ant script; however, I do 
> not include these jars in my WEB-INF/classes as they are part of 
> Tomcat's system classpath.
> As far as my Ant build; I build a War file with the 'dist' target; and 
> then deploy by extracting the WAR into Tomcat's webapps directory. There 
> are other techniques; one popular approach is to point your Tomcat to 
> your application's working development (web) directory; this will let 
> you develop on-the-fly without needing to restart Tomcat.
> I suggest you get a simple application working the way you want. Then 
> you can start on your custom tag app.
> -Bill Siggelkow

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