
I am struck in the middle of one web application. I am using struts 1.1 

I have a form where I have nearly 12 text boxes per row, which are generated 

means I have a form where I have 12 text boxes per row and I am assigning name 
dynamically.[I am using plain jsp and javascript].
The number of text boxes depends on the value fetched from database.

suppose if my database value is 10, 
my form will be having 12 [Textboxes per row] * 10[no. of rows] = 120 
textboxes. if the database value is 5, I will be having 60 textboxes.

my question is
How to write the action form.

I think it is a bad programming to write 120 properties and 240 methods [getter 
and setter].Also beacuse the textboxes changes depending on the database value, 
I think I cannot define 60 / 120 /200 properties and getter and setter methods.

How to handle this situation and submit the data entered by user to the action 
form, get them into Action class.

Any help on this is appreciated.


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