I have a form that my action prepopulates and that works fine. For example:
        <html:text  property="country"/>
Country is FormBean property that is populated from the database by my action.  
This is all good but I want the user to be able to change the country so I need 
a dropdown list.
Here is what I have:
        <html:select property="country" >
                <html:options collection="countryList" property="countryID" 
 CountryList is a bean in request scope.  The above gives me a drop down list 
with all the countries in the database but I need one country to be 
preselected. I already have the right value in the form which I can get using 
<html:text  property="country"/>
.  As far as I understand if the value in the formbean equals the value in the 
dropdown list this value will be preselected.  This does not happen for me.    
My dropdown list has random order.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help.

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