I agree that if the "..." is long, or if there are lots of them, then simply repeating the code is less than ideal.

On the other hand, if there are only, say, three conditions, and the code is three lines, then duplication isn't horrendous. We've all done uglier things in the push to get the job done.

Assuming JSTL is available, it provides a better solution.

Guillaume Cottenceau wrote:
Neil Erdwien <neil 'at' k-state.edu> writes:

How about:

   <logic:equal ...>
   <logic:equal ...>

Are you serious? When "..." is longer than say 1 or 2 lines, this
leads to duplicated source-code, one of the thing I think
programmers should avoid with the most energy.

-- Neil Erdwien, [EMAIL PROTECTED], Web Technologies Manager Computing and Network Services, Kansas State University

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