J.Patterson Waltz III <lists 'at' cerenit.com> writes:

> Yep. That was it.
> I commented out the filter definition for ResponseOverrideFilter and
> everything displayed as expected.
> I then reinstated it, placing it *after* the
> SetCharacterEncodingFilter in web.xml, and all was still well.

> Really, really annoying to bang one's head on such arcana, but
> oh-so-satisfying when you finally get to the bottom of it. On to the
> next obscure issue...

There is one big technical advantage using tomcat over a
proprietary servlet container: if this mystery was still
happening after everything you tried, you could dive into
tomcat's code, instrument/debug it and understand what was going
on. Hopefully, the internet and mailing-lists era makes this not
mandatory most of the time (still I had to go into tomcat code to
understand that I needed useBodyEncodingForURI when upgrading
from tomcat4 to tomcat5 and using UTF8 encoded GET parameters).

Guillaume Cottenceau

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