Your going to have to be more specific than that :) Only because I know what your "prior post" was, I have at least some idea what your talking about, but you'll want to fill us in a bit more here...

What you suggest is fine, except that your JSP scriplet as written wouldn't output anything... You probably meant to type:


...but, that's a minor point...

This is a Struts-based application, correct? If so, while you can do what your saying (I've done it in Struts apps myself), it's not the typical solution.

What you probably want to do is populate the ActionForm associated with the request, and access that in your JSP. Also, most people will tell you to use the taglibs instead of scriplets (everyone except me actually, but in this case you might be better off listening to them).

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Jim Douglas wrote:
(thanks for the great responses to my prior post)

Now that my query's all done I want a flexible JSP that can handle the results. What would be the best approach?

I started sown this path

1 - setAttributes based on the recordset results, like this
               String formMessage = rs.getString(4);
              request.setAttribute("formMessage", formMessage);
2 - then in the JSP,
   <% request.getAttribute("frmMessage"); %>

Any better solutions?


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