I have two situations I am trying to address with one generic solution:

1) For every update action, I had to maintain two separate "result
confirmation" JSPs, one stating "Update Successful" and one "Updated failed
due to system error.  Try again later."  (must be a system error, as any
data validation errors would have been returned to original data entry
JSP.)  Each of these also has a button with a unique link to take it to the
appropriate action to build what should be the next view for that user (I
want to be able to bounce them back to a page that was most recent or
appropriate for where they were in the application.)

2)  On session timeout, I want to bounce the user to a login page, then
bring them back to the page/action they were attempting to go to, or the
most appropriate location, based on the application knowing only the user
id of the user and no other context.

If you could review my plan below and let me know if it is sound from a
Struts perspective OR whether there are Struts best practices to accomplish
the same thing in a more elegant way, that would be great.  I am pretty
sure there is a bug in how I propose using the various session attibutes
below, but please don't worry with that - I'll sort it out when I
implement.  I am really seeking an opinion on the overall approach.


Keep three attributes in the session object up to date at all times:
a)  previousAction  -  the most recent action completed by the user
b)  currentAction  -  the next action the user was attempting when the
error or session timeout occurred
c)  nextAction  -  the next action that should be invoked after a
successful action (ONLY after successful actions)
c)  previousActionResult  -  the message to be displayed on
actionResult.jsp (after ALL update actions, whether successful, failed, or

Psuedo-code for a session timeout scenario:

User is on ChangePasswordDef and presses button to process change with

AuthenticationFilter (this is a filter that precedes ALL actions.  It
checks authority of the user to execute the action, logs that the user
executed the action, and looks for session timeout)
      set previousAction = currentAction (no longer prev action.  In fact,
null in this scenario.)
      set currentAction = ChangePassword
      If new session (session timed out before this action)
            set previousActionResult = "...inactive too long..."
            forward to actionResult.jsp

      display previousActionResult
      render OK button to go to GoToLoginAction

      forward to LoginDef (Tiles)

      invoke LoginAction

      process login successfully
      If currentAction != null
            forward to actionResultAction

      If currentAction = "ChangePassword"
            forward to ChangePasswordAction

      pass authorization check and do not detect session timeout
      if current action != previousAction
            set previousAction = BuildHomeViewAction
            currentAction = ChangePassword

      (finally where the user wanted to be!)
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