JDOM: http://www.jdom.org/.
If you are new to xml-java parsing, then this is the way to go.  When
I started learning about xml parsing with java a while ago, I
researched various methods and found that JDOM provides the easiest
route to get things done.  A quote from JDOM mission: "It behaves like
Java, it uses Java collections, it is completely natural API for
current Java developers, and it provides a low-cost entry point for
using XML".

On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:34:58 -0500, Erik Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joe Germuska wrote:
> > At 8:42 AM -0500 1/14/05, Erik Weber wrote:
> >
> >> If you are not familiar with a lot of XML-related APIs, the easiest
> >> approach is to use the SAX API, in my opinion*.
> >
> >
> > You may be the first person I've ever encountered who finds SAX the
> > easiest way to process XML!
> Heh. I guess it's because I've written so many SAX event handlers, I
> feel like I can do it in my sleep now. I probably wrote a few (surely
> inferior) versions of commons-digester in my time. :) In fact, when I
> first started doing Web-app programming, I wrote an entire Struts-like
> framework complete with XML-based validation, similar to commons
> validator (I knew what Struts was but didn't feel like learning it at
> the time), as well as app configuration. I started with DOM but ended up
> using SAX for all that as I recall. Lately I've been using pull parsers,
> which are more efficient, but I still think not as dumb as SAX (dumb ==
> good -- I like typing. Makes you feel like you're accomplishing
> something. Thinking hurts my noggin. :D ). Also, while I see your point
> that the overall concept of DOM might be more sensible in theory than
> that of SAX, I found that it's just easier to get going with the SAX API
> than with DOM or even JDOM. You can get something working with very few
> lines of code, and good examples are all over the Web. SAX can be a pain
> to debug though.
> I read this awesome book called "Building Parsers in Java" a couple
> years ago (best ASCII-art cover ever) that really inspired me and got me
> thinking along the right lines for using a model like SAX. It's kind of
> like, you have this robot, and you keep handing him parts. The robot is
> smart enough to know which parts to keep and which to ignore (pull is
> definitely a smarter model than this -- the robot would ask for the
> parts he wants -- but this is simpler). He keeps a collection of
> "running" objects -- objects that he has started assembling but hasn't
> yet finished. Managing the running objects is the only part that really
> involves any thought in coding. Assembly of an object normally starts
> when an opening element tag is encountered. Assembly continues as
> sub-elements and attributes are discovered. Once he has finished the
> object (usually when a matching closing element tag is encountered) the
> robot adds it to the final Collection, Map or complex Object to be
> returned. To me, it's kinda elegant. But the "deeper" the XML, the more
> difficult it becomes, because there are more running objects at any
> given time.
> But I appreciate your elaborating on commons digester. That's the one I
> was thinking of. I'll have to check that out. Also, I've never even
> looked at Spring. By the way, do you happen to know what type of parser
> either of those uses? Just curious.
> Thanks,
> Erik
> >
> >> * There are higher level APIs that might suit you better, depending
> >> on what you are doing. Struts and Commons Validator use some sort of
> >> higher-level "config" library, if I'm not mistaken, that is designed
> >> for constructing objects/Maps out of config files, so you might have
> >> a look at the source code for one or both of those. I'm sure someone
> >> else could on the list could better inform you about this.
> >
> >
> > This is commons-digester, and it does in fact make it extremely simple
> > to read XML and produce objects from it, especially if you have the
> > liberty of defining the XML syntax before you write the processing
> > code.  Digester really helped me get my design oriented towards decent
> > externalization of configuration elements.  I now prefer the Spring
> > Framework's bean factory, because it standardizes what I normally use
> > Digester for without needing to write even XML processing rules.
> >
> > Since I started using Digester (and then Spring), I have not had much
> > cause to deal with XML in the DOM form directly, although I would
> > think that for most newcomers, the tree model is more straightforward
> > than SAX's event model.  If you do need to do something with DOM, it's
> > probably worth checking out dom4j or JDOM, two apis that simplify the
> > DOM and provide a more Java-like API.
> >
> > Joe
> >
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