i ran into the same problem as well.

what i can tell you is that because jspc generates different import
statements than tomcat, this is the reason why the generated web.xml
fragment is useful.  this fragment basically maps the pre-compiled jsps
so that it when the jsp is requested your app will know where to look
for the jsp class.

i have tried to get jspc to produce the same import statements as
tomcat does but i gave up after a while of unsuccessful attempts.

in the end, i simply used the web.xml fragment and it works fine.  and
a positive side effect to this is that you don't need to include the
actual jsps at all.  you can deploy war files that can be completely
free of jsp files, so your war file is smaller and your client never
sees any jsp source.


--- Martin Wegner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have been looking into using the jspc ant task to pre-compile our
> Struts-based application.  In comparing the Java code generated by
> the
> jspc task and the Java code generated by Tomcat 4.1.x there are some
> differences, in particular the package names.  Also, jspc wants to
> generate the fraction of web.xml for listing the servlets, which
> doesn't
> make sense to me in a Struts application.
> Is there any advice posted out there about pre-compiling Struts-based
> applications?  Am I completely wrapped around the axle on this?
> Thanks.
> --Marty
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