Kishore Senji wrote:
Probably you missed the validWhen rules; Search for "A few quick notes
on the grammer" on the above page

Thanks, I really missed that part. I have one more problem:

My form is populating a drop-down like this:

<select name="pool">
<option value="Select">Select</option>
<c:forEach items="${sessionScope.pools}" var="currPool">
<option value='<c:out value="${currPool.value}"/>'><c:out value="${currPool.label}"/></option>

And, my validator.xml has this:

<field property="pool" depends="integer">
     <arg0 key="entry.pool"/>

I'm trying to make the selection of a value compulsory. But, The error doesn't show up
after I try to submit without selecting anything. Isn't it supposed to say "Pool must be an integer" or something?


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