Manisha Sathe wrote:
I have a form whose fields are from an dynamic customer array. I display Customer name and giving i/p field for Amount to enter. The JSP might contain 2-3 text fields called amt against different customers (I am identifying it with IDs)
My form bean is something like this,
public class AddressForm extends ValidatorForm
private String[] amt;
public String[] getAmt()
return this.amt;
public void setAmt(String[] amt)
this.amt = amt;
I am using Validator, validation.xml is something like this
<field property="amt"
<arg0 key="amt.displayname"/>

1) When validation fails and it comes back to jsp form -BUT the bydefault values of Amount is something like : [Ljava.lang.String;@f2da21
I understand this is because i have declared it as an array. But how to get rid of this. 2)I face a problem when i also want to validate as float. As i/p taken is amt[1], amt[2] ... it never gets validated as float where as i want to validate individual i/p text field as float.
How can i achieve it ?

Manisha - I think these messages in the archives are very similar to your problem.

As well as this bug report:

Basically you can't validate each element of an array of String[] with the validator, because it does not have getters/setters for its value. Your choices are to use the validate method in the action form to do the validation, or to setup a new class with an amount property and getters/setters for the amounts, then use an array of that instead of String[]


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