I agree about chain...

I just took a look it a week or so ago, just a few minutes looking over it (actually, I forget who it was, but someone posted a very nice summary on it a week or two ago on this very list). I thought about how to get the same effect as my project within that paradigm, and it seems like a fairly trivial thing to do... Just have to configure a preprocessing and postprocessing Command into the chain to do the tasks I do now in the modified RequestProcessor. I still have some question as to whether I need to essentially "restart" the chain (akin to my redirect back to the same request now) or if I can dynamically add the parameters to the request (that requires a particular servlet spec, and I'm not sure that's required for the chain implementation or not... if it is, then no need for my redirect).

But, it's just preliminary thought at this point based on a cursory glance at what's out there now. Hopefully time will allow something more in-depth soon.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies

Vic wrote:
Sounds like an interesting project. Once 1.3 is a bit more stable but before it's released.... I will look for a good way to integrate JDNC (Swing WebStart) into 1.3 so I will keep an eye on. Chain is very simple and very powerfull.

Frank W. Zammetti wrote:

Just wanted to drop a note to let everyone know that I've set up my first SourceForge project... SF will now be the home of my Struts Web Services project.


For those of you that don't know about this project... it's basically a way of allowing you to take an existing Struts-based application and expose portions of it as Web Services WITHOUT changing your code at all. It allows you to treat your Actions as the service providers, so any security mechanisms, validations and such that you've already built into the app can still be used. It's not perfect, and it's not an all-encompassing solution to Web Services, but when your boss tells you on Monday that you need to expose functions A, B and C from your existing app as Web Services by Wednesday, this might be a good answer.

My thinking is that it's probably not going to go a whole lot further in it's current form... Doing what I've done in the new chain-based Struts should be almost trivial, and that seems like the next logical step. I just have to free up some time to throw it together.

But, in the mean time, this could still be relevant and helpful to some folks.

P.S. - As I said, it's my first experience with SF, and with CVS as well, so I've likely set some things up wrong. But, at the end of the day, the code and everything else is up there, so it's probably good enough.

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