Hi friends,

I have a  method like this, the 3rd param, category contains
ArrayList of classes Category.

Here I am copying the  Category  class from the ArrayList to
lALCategories (Line 11) and storing its property name into a
local variable lsName (Line15) and doing some processing and
writing it back on line 19.

Then adding this class to lALOutPut. Here the changes I made
to the class property name is  reflected in HashMap category
also. I don't want the changes to be reflected in the passed
HashMap category. How do I do this? Please help.



01. public static ArrayList listTree(Integer parentID, HashMap tree, HashMap
02. {
03.    Category lCCategory = null;
04.    ArrayList lALCategories = new ArrayList(), lALOutPut = new
05.    Integer liNext = null;
06.    Integer liTree[] = (Integer[]) tree.get(parentID);
07.    String lsName = "";
08.    for (short liElm = 0; liElm < liTree.length; liElm++)
09.    {
10.      liNext = liTree[liElm];
11.      lALCategories = (ArrayList) category.get(liNext);
12.      for (int liIElm = 0; liIElm < lALCategories.size(); liIElm++)
13.      {
14.        lCCategory = (Category) lALCategories.get(liIElm);
15.    lsName = lCCategory.getName()
16.    /*
17.    Some processing here on lsName.
18.    */
19.        lCCategory.setName(lsName);
20.        lALOutPut.add(lCCategory);
21.      }
22.    }
23.    return lALOutPut;

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