On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 16:54:49 +0100, Gianpiero Caretti
> Hi All,
> I need help about struts and tiles.
> I have an application using tiles and I have a jsp page that can be used as
> output page for several different actions. In this page I'd like to have a
> link to recall the input action (with different parameters). Something like
> "ActionMapping.getPath()" method.
> The problem is that I don't know how to identify the input action directly
> into the JSP!
> In other words, Let's suppose I have 2 actions:
> <action path="/act1"
>     ...>
>     <forward name="success" path="mypage.jsp"/>
> </action>
> <action path="/act2"
>     ...>
>     <forward name="success" path="mypage.jsp"/>
> </action>
> How can I get the "/act1.do" or "/act2.do" into the JSP page?

Either get the referer header, which is not always guranteed to be
there, or have your actions put the return into a request scope

> I have tried request.getRequestURI() but, as I use tiles, I always receive the
> URI of the main layout page (E.g. /miro/pages/layout/mainLayout.jsp)
> Thanks for the help,
> gianpiero
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