Well, I understand the way HTTP is working there, it just SEEMS to be that having the additional method (setBar(int, String)) confused BeanUtils or something - because removing those methods (making no other changes) cleared the problem up.


On Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:15:01 -0500
 Jeff Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's related to a difference in how the HTTP request parameters are built. With the "indexed properties" that you had, the BeanUtils classes are going to look for parameters whose names include the index. That is 'bar[1]', 'bar[2]', etc.

HTML:select with multiple=true sends multiple parameters, all with the name of 'bar'. So, instead of 'bar[1]=1&bar[2]=2' the HTTP request will just be 'bar=1&bar=2'. The Java Servlet API exposes these multiple requests with the same name as a String[], or the first one as a single String.

The only time the Struts ActionForm framework is going to call an ActionForm setter 'setBar(int index, String value)' is if the request includes parameters named as in the first example. It will call the setter 'setBar(String[] values)' if it sees multiple values for the same parameter.

-- Jeff

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