I forgot to mention the reason I did this was because we already had a security mechanism in place and didn't have the liberty of using realms on the web or anything like that. It had to be a custom configuration.

Nic Holbrook wrote:

I kind of set our security up before the struts menu was in place. What I have done that seems to work well so far is extend the Action class with a SecureAction class that validates the users role before it lets the user into an action. The execute method actually validates and calls an abstract secureExecute (which is now the main struts method) if the user is in the role. I set a roleId in the struts-config.xml for each action which really isn't a big deal (<set-property property="actionRole" value="700"/>). That way the role is set up 1 time for each action. You can use the same role for several actions of you like. When the user logs in, I retrieve all the roles allowed for that user and store it in a UserContext object in the session. I then have a menu tag that dynamically builds the menu for them which isn't that difficult to set up. I use it in a tile so I only insert it 1 time.

Just some ideas.

Craig McClanahan wrote:

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 18:39:50 +0000, Tim Christopher


I am designing a web application using Struts, which will run using
Tomcat.  The system will have upwards of 1000 users, with each user
having any number of around 10 possible roles.

I'm currently thinking of using JDBCRealm within the Tomcat xml file
to set the roles for each of the users, then extending the
RequestProcessor to ensure only authorised users can enter the secure
area.  I then have a number of menu options that should only be made
visible to users with certain roles; I intend to use logic:present
role=".." or req:isUserInRole role="..." to do this - from what I can
see they are functionally identical(?).

The implementation of logic:present role= uses request.isUserInRole()
under the covers :-).

I guess what I'd like to know is:
* Will this approach actually work?


* Is there a better way?

This sounds best for your use case.

* Will any changes to user roles made within the database
automatically update the roles that tomcat uses from the JDBCRealm, or
will it require a server restart?

Tomcat's JDBCRealm caches the relevant roles for a user when he or she
logs on, so they won't change for the length of that session ... but
changes will get reflected next time the same person logs on.

* Also if I use a check within the jsp like logic:present role=".."
to decide if a component should be dispalyed, I have read it is also
advisable to require to presence of a role to use the Action. This
method will require two updates to allow an additional an additional
role to access a resource (update in the jsp, and in the xml file) -
is there a way around this?

You can prohibit direct access to JSP pages (requiring that they go
through an Action first) and only need to configure the XML file to
limit access to a complete page.  But you'll still need the inner
logic if you want to do things differently, based on role, within a

Thank you in advance,

Tim Christopher


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