On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 18:51:35 -0600, Will Stranathan
> If I remember the same thread, I think the thrust of the argument was
> that JSP belongs under WEB-INF because it's TEMPLATE artifacts, NOT
> web artifacts.  However, images and javascripts, unless you have a
> custom servlet or Struts action to retrieve those artifacts, would NOT
> belong under WEB-INF - those are specific to presentation.

Where you put the files, Will, has little, I think, to do with any
architecture.  Rather, the issue is accessibility.  If you want only
programmatic accessibility, you want to do something to ensure that a
URL cannot reach your assets.  These assets can be anything: images, a
phone book, JSP pages, etc.  I put everything there.  No reason not to
in my case.



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